
I remember being thirteen. I remember being fascinated with the life of Rock stars and obsessed with their stories. I used to spend hours on end searching the Internet for interviews, photos, videos, and anything that would give me a glimpse of how life was like for such musicians like Axl Rose, Steven Tyler, Nikki Sixx, Tom Keifer, and Jon Bon Jovi.
 I began writing in a red, spiral notebook that my mother bought me at the start of the 8th grade. I was laying in bed one night, daydreaming. And that's when i had the idea to record my daydreams into this notebook so that i could read them later. I wrote about Axl Rose in that first "book". Soon, that book turned into another, and another, and soon it became an entire series. I continued to write and by the end of the year, i had over twenty-three spirals filled with adventures. My stories were no longer centered around Axl Rose. When i was thirteen, i was constantly discovering new bands. One week i'd be into Bon Jovi, then the next week i'd come across Motley Crue. I also developed new crushes on the musicians and that became apparent in my stories. My character was not monogamous in her relationships and that supplied my mind with several dramatic situations.
 I still own all of those books. All twenty-three original copies. I have rewritten a couple for numerous friends over the years. I also had over seven other series that focused more on the musicians point of view. I sent my best friend, Cheyenne, the only copy of a story i wrote on Tom Keifer. That's the only story i do not have in my possession. All of the spiral notebooks are sealed in a cardboard box and buried in a climate controlled storage facility somewhere in Friendswood, Texas. I hope to retrieve them before i move from home and start my life elsewhere. Writing has made such an impact on my life and has now become a daily hobby of mine. I'd like to go back to the beginning and read all my past stories once i have published professional stories.
 My stories back then were filled with dialogue. They hardly made any sense and the story line was sketchy. I would bounce from one thing to another with weak transitions. I was never a fan of English class in school, and i never picked up a book. I've learned to write through practice, trial and error, and criticism. It's only been three years since then, and i believe that i have finally found my voice. I'm only sixteen now, but i have accomplished so much in only three years. Three years from now, i'll be nineteen and my writing will have continued to get better. Three years from then, i'll be twenty-two, and so on and so forth.
 This blog is the beginning to another book. I have transitioned from books to short stories a little more than over a year ago. My short stories can be found in my blog, Love's Got Me Doin' Time, which i will provide a link for at the footer of this post. I made the decision quite some time ago that i would write books once again. I've been putting this off for quite some time now because i have not had a solid idea to base my plot off of. I have written drafts for this book, but they're none i am willing to include in the plot. Be patient with me.
 Thank you for taking an interest in these pages. You can be expecting another chapter soon.

 P.S. I promised a link: http://thegame1985.blogspot.com/