
Kayla was used to being home alone. Her roommates, Cheyenne and Robin, were always working at their studio. Their tattoo studio has been overbooked with customers lately and they thought it'd be more convenient to add another location. Everyday this week they've been scouting available locations in Birch Falls.
The girls lived in the same house, but Kayla hardly saw her friends. She'd gotten used to entertaining herself when they were working or on dates with their boyfriends. Cheyenne and Eric were practically a couple. It hasn't been make official quite yet, but Kayla felt like it would be soon.
Kayla had never been the type of person to need social interaction in order to have fun. She was often quite happy being alone in the house. When she was alone, she could do whatever she wanted, when she wanted.
If she wanted to watch Pretty in Pink for the fifteenth time while eating popcorn, then she could. But now she could hardly wait for some company as she set out lit candles and a stack of Fred's favorite movies. While she was doing this, her mind filtered through several excuses to bring up Tom in a conversation.
Fred was Kayla's only friend that understood how she felt about Tom. It's not that she didn't trust the girls, It's just that she felt like her relationship problems were minor and childish compared to theirs.
The doorbell rang and Kayla grinned. She opened the front door and the night air slipped in, chilling her skin. Goosebumps popped on her forearms.
"Hey, Freddie!" She said, seeing Fred on the porch. Fred was in a black hooded jacket and a loose-fitting pair of faded jeans. His hands were tucked inside the front pockets of his jacket, two plastic bags hanging from his wrists.
"Hiya, girly." Fred walked in, and Kayla shut the door. They headed to the kitchen. Fred set his bags down on the kitchen island, shoving aside a bowl of apples. "What are the plans for tonight?"
"I set out some movies you like. I figured we could watch one or two. You like The Goonies, right?"
Fred smiled as he pulled a two-litter bottle of Pepsi from one of the plastic bags. "Of course."
"Good, so do I." Kayla nodded her head as she reached her hand into the other bag to pull out a box of Skittles.
"Promise me you won't be mad..." Fred began.
Kayla raised a brow, "Mad about what?" she asked.
"You see, the guys were supposed to come over to my place tonight. But I told you that I'd watch a movie with you. So, I made a compromise and invited a few of the guys over. Is that cool? You get along with them, don't you?"
Kayla swallowed. Hard.
"What? Fred! What the hell?"
Kayla looked down at her appearance. She was still in her blue shorts and a wrinkled black tank top with the Aerosmith logo printed across her chest. Her hair was in it's natural waves and curled around her shoulders.
She couldn't let Fred's friends see her like this!
But before Kayla could hurry to her bedroom to change clothes, the doorbell rang.
"Are you going to get that?" Fred said as he reached above himself to grab three glasses from the cabinet to his left.
Kayla could have buried Fred's face in mud for doing this to her! That's what he deserved.
The jingle echoed through the house again.
Kayla let out a sigh before she opened the door. Tom stood on the porch, a box of pizza in his hands.
"Anyone order a pizza?" He said with a smile.
Kayla couldn't help but smile back as he entered the foyer.
"Where's Eric?" Fred asked, entering the living room and setting the bottle of Pepsi on the glass coffee table along with the box of skittles and cups.
"He couldn't come. He said something about a sprained ankle or whatever." Tom layed the box of pizza on the coffee table also.
Fred rolled his eyes, "Oh sure."
Tom shrugged his shoulders. "I bet he's having another fight with Cheyenne."
"But Cheyenne is with Robin. You know, looking for a new studio." Kayla supplemented.
Tom shrugged once more as he took a slice of pizza from the box; the heavenly aroma of melted cheese and herbs surrounding the room.
Kayla took the seat farthest from Tom. The last movie they watched together was spent with his arm around her waist and head on her shoulder. Kayla enjoyed cuddling with Tom, but she wasn't in the mood for that tonight.
"So what are we watching?" Tom asked before taking a bite of the slice of pizza in his hand. Kayla watched his big lips smack against each other as he chewed and wiped the oil from his fingers on his cotton shirt.
"The Goonies, it's Fred's favorite movie." Kayla avoided eye contact with Tom as she answered.
Kayla was cautious about the amount of eye contact she gave Tom. Kayla thought too much would make it obvious that she was interested in him. Sure, they've been on two dates now and they've kissed upon greeting each other and even going so far as to making-out on their last date. But, as Cheap Trick says, "I want you to want me." and that's what Kayla wanted. For Tom to want her.
"The Goonies? Fred, grow up! Let's watch something else. What do you say, Kay?"
She met Tom's icy blue eyes and felt her cheeks flush. "It doesn't matter to me. Whatever."
Tom switched off the lights and the flickering glow of the candles cast shadows around the room. "We'll just watch this. No big deal." He said, pushing the tape into the VCR.
The movie began and Tom sat beside Kayla. She turned her gaze to her knees; swaying them side-to-side. She could feel Tom's eyes on her. He slid his hand onto her knee and squeezed the bones together. Kayla smiled, controlling laughter as he squeezed again, tickling her knee.
"Tom," she whispered, pushing his hand off her knee.
A tingling sensation shot up Kayla's back when she felt Tom's warm, delicate hand slide up her thigh.
She lost the ability to speak.
Tom lowered his chin, bringing his face closer to hers. His lips barley grazed hers before he leaned in and gently ran his tongue over her lips.
She felt herself bring her hand up to his neck and pull him closer, keeping him close as their lips pressed against each other.
As his hand slid from her thigh to her waist, their kisses became urgent and intense. Enjoying the feeling of his tongue moving against hers- "Do me a favor, please?" Fred said.
Kayla pulled away from Tom slowly, sucking on his bottom lip and pulling away slightly to shoot a glare over to Fred. "I'm busy."
"I just want a Poptart..." Fred lowered his eyes and pouted his lips.
She rolled her eyes and stood. "Strawberry or Smorz?" She asked on her way into the kitchen.
"Strawberry, please!" Fred called, a smile on his face as Tom shot a menacing glare in his direction.
"Tom, i don't know why you brought a pizza. It's only the three of us here and your the only one that had a slice." Fred closed the box and shoved it aside. He poured a glass of soda for himself.
"No more favors, got it?" Kayla said as she handed Fred a Poptart.
"I'm sorry... you're the only one who knows where they are. You girls hide them from me." He peeled back the plastic wrapper and took a bite. "Now, if you don't mind- I'd like to watch the movie without unnecessary smacking noises. Thank you." He flipped his bangs away from his eyes.
Kayla looked down on him, her face twisted in an expression of intolerance. "Fred, I think it would be better if you-"
Fred rudely interrupted her, "Kayla, I'm trying to watch the movie." he mumbled.
She shot a glance over to Tom. He was giving Fred the exact same look.
Kayla let out an irritated sigh and took her seat beside Tom. He slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.


Anonymous said...

It was fairly moderate, I feel you could've had a better plot. hard.
But I liked it and I liked you descriptions, even though I got a sense of deja vu reading it...

Anonymous said...

Did you update this? It sounds better

Mamie Labar said...

I LOVE THIS!!! you should post more chapters soon! XD